We’re partnering with JacksMeatShack!

Tuesday, 17 October 2023
We’re partnering with JacksMeatShack!

Grillstream is committed to revolutionizing and delivering incredible barbecue experiences to those who are either newcomers and to those who are seasoned experts. We want to be able to share with our customers that barbecuing is not only about the barbecues themselves but about the passion and creativity that goes into it. That's why we’re thrilled to announce our exciting new collaboration with pittmaster and digital creator, JacksMeatShack!

We’ve always prided ourselves on the innovative technology that sets our barbecues apart such as our patented dual grills that prevent flare-ups, ensuring your food is cooked evenly and tastes delicious every time. And now, with JacksMeatShack on board, we're going to be able to show you how to make the most of your Grillstream barbecue like never before.

What can you expect from this partnership?

•    Dynamic Content – Jack is not only a pittmaster but a brilliant digital creator with a passion for video. Together, we will bring you captivating video content that will showcase the Grillstream barbecues USPs and features, useful accessories to enhance your cooking, followed by tips and tricks and grilling advice.


•    Pro Tips – We understand that people don’t like to read through long manuals, so by having Jack on board with us, we can now show you all the top tips and tricks of how to use our barbecues, the best ways to clean and maintain them, how to season your grills and much more. This will open the door to many watch and learn videos that will benefit your Grillstream experience.


•    Grilling Recipes – We’ll be providing exclusive content of different meals and dishes to serve your friends and families, that are quick, easy and simple but look like expertly-made masterpieces. These will be filled the tips and tricks to create the most delicious food on your very own Grillstream barbecues.


•    Festivals and Shows – With Jack partnering with us, we will be inviting him to join us at various barbecue events all around the UK throughout the year. This will be a place where you witness firsthand Jacks incredible skills of cooking up delicious samples on the Grillstream barbecue and have the opportunity to chat to him about all things grilling.

We're incredibly excited to embark on this journey with JacksMeatShack, and we can't wait to share it all with you. We look forward to the future endeavors that this creates for both Jack and Grillstream.